How do I get involved?

We will update this page throughout the campaign with ways you can get involved.

We will launch the first draft version of the LB Bill in October 2014 and we will be looking for everyone’s input then.

We launched the first draft on Tuesday 4 November and look forward to hearing what you think.

If you wish to get in touch now, please send a tweet to Steve Broach or JusticeforLB with the hashtag #LBBill.

You can chat in the Facebook Group for LB’s Bill here or you can send an email to us here.

You can also follow this blog by clicking the blue FOLLOW button on the right of the screen. You will get an email each time we publish a new post if you do this.

Local events

Some people have said that they would like to organise local events to discuss the draft LBBill.

They only wish to do this if there is enough interest from other people.

If you would like us to advertise your area and your offer to hold an event please let us know and we will advertise your offer here.

BATH Alex has offered to arrange an event in Bath if there is enough interest. Please email her if you would like to participate.

LANCASTER Eve has offered to arrange an event in Lancaster if there is enough interest. Please email her if you would like to participate.

MANCHESTER Eve has offered to arrange an event in Manchester if there is enough interest. Please email her if you would like to participate.

3 thoughts on “How do I get involved?

  1. There are fundamental issue of people’s involvement and co-production;challenging continued medicalisation of complex behaviours and the stubborn persistence of the arrogance and the doctor,usually psychiatrists/forensic psychologists in these situations,”knows best”;forensic outcome demand commissioning;more local provision staffed with confident,person centred,creative men and women who truly value people enough to make the effort and struggle to understand and engage with people whose actions and behaviours confound simplistic understanding.Robust leadership at all ;levels will be required to set the vision within which personalised engagement with people through true respect and dignity.No go behaviours must also be identified and labelled with “zero tolerance”from staff.Contact with centres of acknowleged good/best practice and research institutions must be initiated and fostered to look at research based outcomes.
    Sadly this has all been said before!


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